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Международный студенческий ISIC - стань СВОИМ во всем мире - информация по получению ЗДЕСЬ


ICE 10.1 SOLHEIMAR 16/06-29/06 10-15 vols
Sуlheimar is an ecovillage in southern Iceland about 100 km from the capital of Reykjavнk. It is a community about of 100 inhabitants where people with disablities and so called healthy people live and work together. The community does handicrafts from recycled materials, and enviromental issues all together are very important for them. The work will be planting trees and different jobs for the environment in the village. This year the community celebrates the 100th birthday of the founder of Solheimer.

Более подробная информация по телефону (0562) 371144
e-mail: volunteer@millenium3.itgo.com
Наш адрес: КЛУБ YeS-CL@Bпл.Октябрьская 6, Днепропетровск, тел. 371144